Founded in 1987, Road Federation Belgium (new name of the International Road Federation-Belgium), an apolitical and non-profit association, is a member of the European Union Road Federation ( ERF, based in Brussels).
The Road Federation Belgium intends to defend and promote any action in favor of the road, its users and road traffic. RF Belgium places its action in the societal debate on the mobility and transport of people and goods. With this in mind, it pleads for the coordinated development of all modes of transport with a view to their complementarity.
Within the framework and the limits of its corporate purpose, the Association has the following activities in particular:
– to promote collaboration between the various parties concerned by the road, taken in the broadest sense, in harmony with the other modes of transport;
– to ensure sustainable mobility of people and goods, to invite the public authorities to invest in road infrastructure and its maintenance while ensuring the protection of the environment, for greater safety and greater comfort users;
– to participate in work and exchange information with other bodies pursuing a similar goal;
– to organize studies, symposiums, congresses, round tables;
– to organize and promote any other action likely to promote the pursuit of its objectives.
RF Belgium regularly organizes, since 1998, press conferences on various topics, such as congestion, road safety, mobility. In addition to the specific theme, it presents on this occasion an update of the “Missing Links”, namely the Missing Links and Priority Works.
Priority road works in Belgium
Under the influence of budgetary austerity, Belgium has since 1985 severely reduced the financial means devoted to public investment and to roads in particular. This situation aggravates the problems of congestion, insecurity, pollution and under-maintenance. While the other European countries devote an average of 2.4% of their GDP to public investment, Belgium devotes only about 1.4% to it, i.e. 40% less. Road Federation Belgium regularly presents the public authorities with a list of priority works to be carried out in the short and medium term to optimize the efficiency of the road network.
These include in particular:
– the creation of missing links “Missing Links” in order to complete the network and ensure the profitability of investments already made
– construction of new urban bypasses to improve the fluidity of transit traffic and preserve the quality of urban life
– securing the road network by eliminating “black spots”, developing secure junctions, etc.;
– the construction of correctly sized roundabouts – the construction of urban tunnels
– etc.
– The objective of RFB, through the events organized, is to obtain the rapid completion of Priority Works by the public authorities, which will contribute to solving mobility problems, for the benefit of the economy, safety and the environment.